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jack aubrey

1st February 2025, 16:47
Having put the Listener to one side for a while to let my headache subside, I turned to this fine puzzle from Luxor. Perhaps having had a little experience of working with a team of this sort (albeit in a different area) gave it extra appeal.
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1st February 2025, 16:57
I enjoyed this too Jack, and what a story too! Finished over a few pints and a decent bar meal. Good luck with the Listener.
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1st February 2025, 20:05
Only done about a quarter of this, but have a few names and can guess at the theme. It looks like a wonderful story and is adding a genuine excitement to the whole solving process! Many thanks to Luxor!
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1st February 2025, 21:56
1893 - Poignant story. Finally found the last two "team members".
On a different theme, the answer to 1891 is published.
Did anyone else note that 1 down said "One "I" on" ?
That's very close to a "!", for Westward Ho !!
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2nd February 2025, 03:32
Congratulations to Luxor for both a fantastical puzzle and wonderful story.

Google was a bit all over the place pinning down who the exact team members were but that's no fault of Luxor and all were easy to find in the clues.

I do have one parsing query...

30d - In entertainment venue, rector nowhere to be found, Sturgeon
finally blessed thistles (6)

The answer is clear as is the instruction to remove "rector" (nowhere to be found) from the "entertainment venue", but how is the placing of "Sturgeon finally" justified by "blessed"?
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2nd February 2025, 04:26
Brendan, apparently "blessed thistle" is the name of the plant (who knew?) I guess that "in" is the indicator.
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2nd February 2025, 04:34
I can't find the 4th individual. I have a full grid but can't parse 24d: The Left tips off Oxbridge Exam Authority regarding pass for bristly individual. Is number 4 hiding in there?
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2nd February 2025, 04:47
Okay, many thanks Mattrom - I didn't know "blessed" was part of the name (I just went by Chambers).

I'm still not happy with wordplay though. As far as I can see, the first part tells us that "in entertainment venue, rector (is) nowhere to be found)" - great, that couldn't be clearer, but then there's just a comma followed by "Sturgeon finally" and the definition.

I'm sure you're right Mattrom and "in" covers both the deletion of R and addition of N but it just feels so clunky.

Regardless, a minor quibble in an otherwise thoroughly delightful puzzle.

Thanks again Mattrom, I know you live down under so was hoping you would look in and see my post:-)
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2nd February 2025, 04:49
It is indeed Lulu.

4 initial letters followed by 3 letter "pass"
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2nd February 2025, 09:30
I thought Blessed was a removed name for a while! He was part of a team effort.
Gentle help please with 7d, very noisy revolutionary, taking money for elderly, judging by appearances (7)
And 28d Secure holding arms not shot one in retreat (6)
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