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27th January 2025, 12:47
I think the highlighting depicts the continuous and asymmetrical flow - including elements passed through - from directly beneath the structure through to (and including) the end point with the adjective.
The 6th element is the 3 letter noun (the unknowing one) hanging from one edge of the structure and not highlighted.
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27th January 2025, 15:48
Thanks, drxx.

Strange endgame. Why bother with the 6th noun at all? It is not described by the topmost adjective - just linked to it.

For a while I thought the 6th noun you were referring to in your post was the thing found in Clapham which is hanging from the other side of the structure - but then saw the one connected to Douglas.

Anyway all done now with 37 cells safely highlighted.
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27th January 2025, 16:10
Yes, it contributes absolutely nothing to the puzzle, stacpolly.
My guess is that someone spotted the 6th when it was too late to do anything about it - and now I've looked at possible ways to shift it, it looks pretty well stuck there (because the last two letters of the highlighted structure makes for a very tricky corner).
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27th January 2025, 16:23
By the way, I was tempted by 29d as a synonym for the 6th - but that's a bit of a stretch.
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30th January 2025, 13:24
I'm a bit confused-help!

Can't get 37 cells

Have P??????????E (hyphenated one)

Can also see M?N and S?A

Which of the above are the correct ones/or am I missing something?

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30th January 2025, 13:39
Novice, my solution had S?????S rather than S????D and I used the S?A.
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30th January 2025, 13:53
Thanks Malone
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30th January 2025, 22:24
Just came back to finish this off but find myself with a bit of a problem.

So far for the nouns I've got 30 cells from...

P...... - ....E

This means I'm missing a noun that, according to Malone begins and end in S

My final adjective is 7 letters and begins and ends in S but it's only "shaded" ironically or as a pun, pehaps - is that what is meant or am I missing something obvios?
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30th January 2025, 22:36
Five nouns and the adjective you mention satisfies all of the conditions in the preamble, brendan.
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30th January 2025, 22:38
Many thanks Drxx, as per usual I misinterpreted the preamble 🤬
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