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26th January 2025, 22:32
Before I embark on the endgame, can I get a parsing for...

36a - Maybe Shylock, in Measure and Measure[i/], becomes thinner (11)

My answer means "becomes thinner"and I have a 6 letter "maybe Shylock" but why is "measure" mentioned twice in the clue - is it just to make it plural or am I missing something?
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26th January 2025, 22:45
Check the letter 3rd from the end in your answer, brendan - that's part of the 'measure' container (inside is a synonym for a bank or 'Shylock', loosely).
The first 'Measure' refers to the play.
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26th January 2025, 22:47
...sorry, no - you need 2 'measures' for the plural (as you mention).
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26th January 2025, 22:57
Got it, thanks Drxx.

Re the 3rd letter from the end, I assume you're referring to the American spelling which is what I used.
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26th January 2025, 23:14
Chambers gives the one we need in full, with just the alternative ending for the other spelling (no dialect/usage mentioned in this case).
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27th January 2025, 00:05
Could the first measure be size ... and the second be 's'
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jack aubrey

27th January 2025, 00:08
Thank you, Gaston. A gentler puzzle than others this weekend, I thought. I would have finished it but then….
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27th January 2025, 00:14
A bit of a leap if you're thinking of 's(mall)', tyke51 (but I wouldn't put it past the Americans}.
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27th January 2025, 09:42
Really stuck on endgame to this EV.
Got the hyphenated noun and the two nouns which go together to make a legendary item. Got the wet one and the Liverpool one pluralised - but what on earth is the sixth?
Also is the adjective that describes the wet one the one adjective that gets shaded?
And when I shade in the ones I've got they look nothing like anything.
Any nudges welcome.
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27th January 2025, 11:08
For what it's worth I have highlighted the adjective which starts & ends with the same letter. By doing so and ignoring the last two letters of one of the nouns, I get the required 37 cells and a reasonable - but not totally symmetrical - thematic representation.
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