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26th January 2025, 12:33
I have been most vexed by this one: I have a less-than-nodding acquaintance with the work (Let's be honest - I know the title and the author, and could have a good guess at the location). I have a full grid, and have hammered a character into the space. However the last part has me utterly baffled: is 'the last row' the last clued row, or the row containing the title? How am I meant to spot the 2 3-letter words when only 1 letter is 'unaltered'*? And what will it all mean in the end?
Finally, have I missed something, or is the clue for 7d... shoddy?
*I am taking note that it says 'alter' rather than 'changed' or 'replaced'. I hear a small bell.
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26th January 2025, 12:54
Hi biggus, 7d is a subtraction anagram. You are altering the title to reflect the ending; if you look at the plot summary with regard to the use of a 3-letter tool.
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26th January 2025, 21:11
The bottom third was hard work for me, especially the three letter ones.
My LAST entry was the 5 letter alternative character spelling.
It all seems to fit, unless someone knows better ?
R.I.P. Andy.
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26th January 2025, 23:02
I managed to find only one reference showing that alternative spelling ('shmoop') but that's what I had to go with. Certainly stretches the 'alternative spelling' idea, if you ask me.
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26th January 2025, 23:06
I relied on the same source, drxx. Too much licence for the alternative spellings, in my book, though I understand why they didn’t want to meddle too much
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26th January 2025, 23:08
But a good challenge and a very enjoyable one (RIP Dysart, and thanks for the many enjoyable hours I've spent on your puzzles over the years).
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28th January 2025, 09:42
Glad to have fitted my character name in at last.
But still missing 43a and it's two small crossers if someone can help a little.
Also I don't see the eight letters to erase. I know what I'm looking for, but can't see it. Gentle tip for that too? Now it's Tuesday!
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28th January 2025, 10:57
For the character to remove - it should be easy to spot but some sources spell it differently, have you considered another version?

43a first three words for the def - next word is the obvious container (2 letters).
39d The 'fight' is a Greek struggle (4 letters).
40d 'power' is a 4 letter word we see quite often nowadays - but in a figurative way (then minus the obvious letter).
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28th January 2025, 11:00
...sorry, for 43a it's first 4 words for the def when we include ''eg''.
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28th January 2025, 11:13
I think I should clarify that, lumen - if your search is on the basis that you're looking for an 8 letter word, perhaps you've discounted the obvious name (which appears to be longer in some sources).
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