Thank you all for your contributions to Weekend Peer Review. Twelve entrants and a number of fine clues, with hiddens proving very popular. Everyone was rewarded for their efforts in the voting.
In a three-way tie on 8 votes are Jono @9, Paul @26 and Tyke @38
Ahead of them, with ten votes, is Aristo @40 with his succinct and cheeky hidden
Throwaway tapas? I’d eat some (5)
Congratulations! Apologies for the poor prizes but it's becoming decidely difficult to sift through the ever-increasing amounts of trash that YouTube serves up, or else I'm just not imaginative enough
B-side & C-side
An aside - not really a prize but I chanced upon this a couple of hours ago. If you jump to 24.45 you will glimpse a baby Geting