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26th November 2024, 11:32
Gang I'm losing my mind. Full grid, worked out the 'symbol', have put the 20 numbers in the correct order (I think??? I have a couple of ones that are up in the air) and now... brick wall. Is this a subsitution cyper? Could somebody confirm I have the right order of numbers please?

spoilers spoilers spoilers etc

34 20 9 8 16 34 26 18 4 33 17 2
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26th November 2024, 11:54
Order of numbers correct. The phrase is 3,3,2,3,9
Substitution code.
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26th November 2024, 13:46
Thank you thank you! Big PDM. What an ordeal. The "solvers must act in keeping with the theme" was a lovely bit of cheekiness.
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jack aubrey

26th November 2024, 16:40
Jings, crivvens and help ma boab! There was an awful lot in that one! 40a was a nice little Easter egg, too. Many thanks, Sauce! (And, yes, “sauce” is certainly the word for the first sentence of the preamble!)
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26th November 2024, 21:00
Got there eventually - thanks to all for the theme hints. Probably a coincidence, but the author of thematic radio adaptation is in the grid starting at second letter of 20A, though not in a straight line (one change of direction after fourth letter).
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27th November 2024, 11:32
Long time lurker, first time poster (and thanks for all the help on previous puzzles!) –– this was the comment that confirmed I was on the right track after struggling for a while with the thematic phrase, so particular thanks to krauton today.

I have a question that I hope isn't too spoiler-y. I couldn't have cracked the numeric code without hints from this thread and having completed every other aspect of the endgame first... my question is: how did people approach decoding the string of digits into the five-word phrase? Am I missing some mathematical way of crunching it out, or was it simply a matter of staring at the string of numbers looking for something that resembled a thematic phrase that you'd already found? Or essentially reverse-engineering it at the end like I did? Thanks in advance.
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27th November 2024, 11:40
I could make a pretty good guess as what the first and fourth words were, giving me enough letters to get the fifth. Others may have had a different experience, of course.
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27th November 2024, 11:45
Aha! Right. I should have spotted the repetition in the sequence. Makes much more sense now. Thanks, buddy. I think one thing that misdirected me throughout the endgame is the wording in the preamble... having finished, I wouldn't have said that the phrase was the "theme" of the puzzle. The eponym, the context or the 395, yes - but the phrase doesn't strike me as being the "theme"...
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jack aubrey

27th November 2024, 11:54
I went the same route, Buddy. The repeated 342 caught my eye and assuming I had that right, the 4 and the double 3 in the final 9 figure string along with the terminal 2 threw up just 3 possibilities in the Chambers app, including one that just had to be right.
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