Hi again everyone
I got back from the theatre last night and filled in the last few, though I didn't know the word for 5ac and can't parse the "nick" in 25ac, but perhaps I have the wrong first letter. (just checked the alternative first letter, which is right) My chemistry A level is too far back in time! And I never did any Latin at school, but did some during lockdown. I'd never heard of 27ac, but it must be right (do you like the pun?). I can't parse 1d completely. Where does the "see" come in? I'd never heard 17ac before and didn't know 4d. I couldn't see the "scriptures" in 21d.
So some easy clues, some harder clues and some downright obtuse clues, e.g. 14d.
My FOI was 15ac closely followed by 3D - a new meaning to me. My LOI was 5ac or 23/8d - they came together. My COD is 13d, though there were a number of close contenders.
Rocky7, so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. It is hard to bear.