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13th August 2024, 21:02


13th August 2024, 21:20
Thanks, krauton.
22 of 25  -   Report This Post


13th August 2024, 21:24
Hats off to you drxx! Pretty sure I wouldn't have completed it the hard way.

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13th August 2024, 21:40
I had the correct solution but I made too much of the MATE spelled out by the white knight (which is instrumental in the smothered mate on the white king). Was that really just coincidence?
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13th August 2024, 21:44
Thanks, muraria - but I'm kicking myself for making it harder than it needed to be.
I realise now that I was predisposed to tackling it the way I did because I'd had a go at setting something similar, and that's how I did it (this was streets ahead of my effort}.
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