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22nd July 2024, 22:51
Planet’s about ten AUs right? No, eight maybe. Wrong! (6)

[(TEN + AUS + R )* - (EIGHT)*]*
AU = astronomical unit. 1 x AU = Earth to sun distance.
Saturn = approx 9.5 AUs
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22nd July 2024, 22:52
Down clue

Carousel, inter alia, also known as a feeling of faintness (10)
12 of 63  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2024, 22:54
Carousal not carousel, bloody autocorrect.
13 of 63  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2024, 22:55
Correction again, more stupidity
Should parse as :
[(TEN + AUS + RIGHT)* - (EIGHT)*]*
14 of 63  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2024, 23:08
Spaced out astronaut not to a distant planet (6)
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22nd July 2024, 23:19
Took pot for the metal lead (6)

Took as in 'sat' exams
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23rd July 2024, 01:02
Artist getting nuts about the planet (6)
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23rd July 2024, 01:03
Go to South Africa before seeing the world (6)
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23rd July 2024, 01:08
Aunt's crazy about ring or rings seen here (6)
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23rd July 2024, 01:23
A slut ran wild attending Iowa orgy (10)
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