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22nd July 2024, 08:13
Just two cells left empty. Can I have help with 8d and 40a?
Oh also what is happening with 21d and 36d, these clues work perfectly without adding a letter? I can't think how to add or change those two.
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22nd July 2024, 08:21
8 D. A five letter 'Track' (verb, follow, dog etc) loses its first letter (Top track) to get to a four-letter word meaning ?peak.

40 A very famous Argentian player loses the very short 'ego' at the end of his name. The definition is the amended first word in the clue.

Lumen, the preamble says 36 clues need a letter reinstated....
12 of 35  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2024, 08:34
Oh! Ridiculous, that explains a lot. I read it as each of THE 36 clues. And saw the last clue was 36.
Thanks for other two. Didn't know he was Argentinian.
Now I can try again to read the quote. (Yes I did read the rubric and know it's the replaced letters I need, not the ones added to clues. I think!)
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22nd July 2024, 08:40
Lumen, glad I could help.
PS, yes, it's definitely the replaced letters you need.
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22nd July 2024, 10:34
Thanks, malone, all done now.
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22nd July 2024, 14:45
I too have nearly everything except 2D and 9A! Little assistance much appreciated!
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22nd July 2024, 14:57
Thom, I usually remind people that it's good to give the clues - people without a copy might wish to help. However... this puzzle has a pretty complicated preamble, affecting the clues - and it'd take far too long to summarise!

9 A. The answer to the clue is contained IN the clue (if the right letter is reinstated - not too tricky as these all lead to real words). It's an old word, rather than old nests.

That one might help you finish off 2 D. You didn't say what letters you already have.

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22nd July 2024, 15:03
Ah my apologies. As usually happens I worked out 9A within eight seconds of asking for help. Still can't see why 2D - "Cover box at end with lid for hour (4)" is what it is but everything else fits around it so I'll leave it there!
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22nd July 2024, 15:08
Also thank you for the hint!
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22nd July 2024, 15:22
Oh dear, I seem to have fallen at the last.

I have a full grid plus the quote and its author, but can't quite work out the last bit.

The only answer that seems remotely thematic is 9a, but I can't see anything or anyone related to the theme that surrounds it.

I can see the singular of 9a in roughly the centre of the grid at a sloped angle, with the middle letter Y at the bottom of 5d but, again, can't see a name around it?
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