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14th July 2024, 18:58
can someone help with last few for me please

3d Doctors working magic without pinning top of leg (7)
16a British Army plays safe (5)
21a what may make one blue when bottling up love (5)
25a religious image in Letters to the Corinthians

Thanks in advance
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14th July 2024, 19:27
3d doctors working magic def
4 letter word for without outside a 3 letter word for top of the leg.
16a safe def
anagram of b + army.
21a what made one blue def
2 letter word for when around 3 letter word for love.
25a religious image def
2 letter Greek letter then a 3 letter Greek letter.
12 of 33  -   Report This Post


14th July 2024, 19:29
3D - 4 letter word for without with a leg muscle inside
16a - 1 letter abbreviation plus 4 letter word - anagram
21a - 2 letter word for when round a score of zero
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14th July 2024, 19:45
gitto - can you return the listener favour by giving me a nudge? I have a filled grid and a pattern of clashes, but ... nada. (that's courtesy alcaraz rather than the other lot.)
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14th July 2024, 21:11
I saw the symmetry? And then I saw a bit not me thinking. And then I thought a J is always a good start.
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14th July 2024, 22:02
thanks krauton and qesue - that got me over the line.

And thanks to fer-de-lance for the puzzle
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14th July 2024, 22:27
no need for help - got there thanks to the J hint. Fascinating what you learn!
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15th July 2024, 10:37
I'm frustratingly stuck with a full grid, 12 clashes and 8 unclued letters marked, but apart from a common 5 letter forename I still don't know what I'm looking for. Any hints appreciated.
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15th July 2024, 11:24
Shade your clashes and unclueds, and see a very specific symbol.
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15th July 2024, 14:21
Sloth, there are 10 unclued letters, 4 at the top and 6 at the bottom of the 12 clashes. There are two 5 letter forenames that are the Christian and surname of one of the individuals. Both the individuals are actually the same person.

BTW cockie, sorry I didn't reply but I unfortunately decided to go out and watch the inevitable!
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