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13th July 2024, 14:17
Brilliant, thankyou Fer-de-lance. Never heard of the names, but google fortunately had! Took a while for the PDM wrt the grid filling to occur, but a really enjoyable puzzle.
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13th July 2024, 17:11
Indeed, gitto, a really good challenge, some tricky clueing but everything fell into place once I saw the first name and then the title of the second.

Thanks, fer-de-lance (thankfully I didn't encounter you on a recent trip to Costa Rica!)....
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14th July 2024, 10:19
Grid nearly full but still no penny drop moment.
Can I get a steer on 14d Charlotte's dressed up to take out Herb (8)
And 6d Clergyman sketched naked men (6)
I'm assuming clashes are involved as my crossers are rubbish!
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14th July 2024, 10:50
14d Charlotte;s dressed up def.
4 letter word to take out, then 4 letter word for herb all up.
Charlottes indicates a US spelling.
6d clergyman def .
4 letter word for sketched with the outside 2 letters removed.
Then 2 unclued letters. Then a 2 letter abbreviation for men.

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14th July 2024, 13:48
Thanks got clergyman.
Can see herb but is it three letter take out and unclued letter?
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14th July 2024, 14:00
Lumen, the four-letter 'take out' was new to me, it's a printing/publishing term (and in Chambers).
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14th July 2024, 15:26
Please could someone help me with 19d?
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14th July 2024, 16:26
I think the last letter, E, is unclued, also in 28a.
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14th July 2024, 16:45
19d style of film definition
3 letter word meaning to target around 1 letter abbreviation
for new. Last letter unclued.
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14th July 2024, 16:55
Thanks. I was thinking of a different film style and couldn't make it work.
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