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2nd June 2024, 11:48
Started by not liking this at all, found the parsing in some cases disjointed and confusing. However having finished and taken time to go over clues am completely converted and am now a Kite fan.
FOI 1d
LOI 19d
COD 7d
A very clever and testing crossword in many ways!
61 of 65  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2024, 12:50
Thanks Chris and Moonjets for your explanations.

Fortunately, my friend in Sheffield explained them to me this morning. I'd never have got the subtractive anagram for 7d on my own.

I'm hoping for an easier crossword next week so I don't spend so long puzzling. I might get my ironing done then.
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2nd June 2024, 18:24
I did enjoy the subtraction anagram of 7d - I thought it was very neatly done. I share the general iffiness about 1a - though I do recall working in a couple of offices where there were big (A2?) items of this sort. Good for doing doodles and anagrams! Still a thing, apparently.

I'm glad I came here as I had no inkling of the theme and it's rather cute. Also, I had failed to get the parsing for 13d and was feeling rather annoyed that Kite was using a horrible homonym cued by 'accepted for record' ! Thanks Jono for clearing that up.
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4th June 2024, 11:32
Am I the only one to see a link between 1d and 8d?
Made me, at least, laugh.
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4th June 2024, 12:01
Davids, you may well have been the only one to see that, but thanks for pointing it out! :-)
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