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17th February 2024, 17:45
thanks jono. that's the loosest of the lot!
51 of 104  -   Report This Post


17th February 2024, 17:46
I got 9 early on and expected a theme related to that homophone, but it was not to be. Figured there had to be a connection with Hugh S, but had forgotten about the recent developments (Hugh retiring, Alan Connor taking over as editor).
52 of 104  -   Report This Post


17th February 2024, 17:48
On further reflection, I really should have twigged the Hugo pseudonym...less than subtle homophone of Hugh-Go. 😬
53 of 104  -   Report This Post


17th February 2024, 17:53
‘Hugh’ is a homophone of the definition word, chrise.
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17th February 2024, 17:53
Geeker, Darla, does 15,17 have any significance? I see it once had a post office, now closed
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17th February 2024, 17:55
Boatman says he is 1/28th responsible. I’m guessing 5d
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17th February 2024, 18:02
Hi everyone

I'm still struggling. I've just read the thread, which explains who the new Hugo is.

I was planning to ask for a hint for 11ac, but see someone else already has, but I just couldn't see the anagram, but the penny has now dropped.
What is the definition for 9ac?
I've looked for a rocket for 7d, but only found a plural word that isn't quite a rocket. I'm not sure I've got that right.
I am puzzled by 501 in 17ac, but think I might have got it
I still have the south east corner to complete. I'm not sure of the "busted singer". And I have 24d to fathom. I'll go away and think about the hints for a few minutes.
57 of 104  -   Report This Post


17th February 2024, 18:07
Roof, the rocket in 9 is related to one of your hobbies, think flora (I just learned that usage via a crossword a month or two ago).
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17th February 2024, 18:32
The "busted singer" is what I found surprisingly (excessively) US-centric. Google might be my amazement she appeared during the recent Super Bowl halftime show.
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17th February 2024, 18:34
As usual I’m stuck with my last one, 10A. I have ?I?E. Am I looking for radio as a verb? No idea on parsing!
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