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24th November 2022, 15:18
MonkeyFace, here is the preamble:

“Each of the 16 letters in the clues exists in a unique superposition of two states, with values (2|3), (4|5), ..., (32|33). In across clues the letters consistently collapse into one state of their pair; the same applies to down clues, but quantum entanglement means that their letters collapse consistently into the other state. Consider each column as three triplets of digits that collapse into their sums. Convert each triplet’s sum to a letter using 1 = A, 2 = B, ..., and enter the letter in the correspondingly coloured space below the grid, to reveal a paraphrase of a statement attributed to an expert in the field. All entries are different and none starts with a zero.”
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24th November 2022, 15:30
Thank you qisling!
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