Explosive device Aussie native kept in castle perhaps (6)
Mentioning this clue from Times 28,497 here because of my thoughts about chess and Scrabble. I came to it with the above letters already in place.
'Aussie native' led me down the wrong track with ABO. This annoyingly is one of the 419 newly banned words in Scrabble (owners Mattel going woke), but I thought the Times may not care. However, the Aussie native turned out to be ROO.
The chess annoyance connects with our recent discussion of 'castle' as a chess piece. The solution depends on 'man' defining 'castle' as such.
Yes, geeker@74, these GMs are amazing with their pattern recognition. Reminds me of the test of chess position recall where GMs outshone amateurs in time needed to reproduce a realistic given position from memory, but were no better than amateurs if the pieces and pawns were randomly scattered.