I think I have finished but I haven’t parsed the last letter of the H nine letter theme word which seems to be an anagram plus A or E. I prefer A as the first letter of accepted. Is that Ok?
My thanks to quisling of helping with the themed E. I'd been struggling for some time. Maskarade seems to me to combine quite brilliant ideas with the occasional lapse in execution. 'Out' as an anagram indicator is an example.
I cannot parse either the themed T or the non-theme R. Can anybody offer me nudge. I think I have the answers. Thanks
Welcome Imogen, I believe E. It’s Q for query, followed by a four-letter anagram (about) and then two-letter popular. First word is thematic definition
Having started this thread thinking I wouldn't be able to do this, a friend gave me the hard copy paper and in some ways I wish she hadn't as I'd now be blissfully unaware. I don't really get the theme and I don't understand many of the clues even though I'm sure I have the answer. I think what finally did for me was Quisling's explanation for themed T (thank you by the way) but I'm none the wiser as it seems to describe 5 letters plus ie plus an initial when it's a six letter word. The right hand grid is complete but I think I may have to throw in the towel.
I hate being beaten but sometimes you have to know when enough is enough.