Chrisremo, think of the My as My!, cor,crickey etc... that gives a three letter word, contained in your answer. The Sean gives a three letter word, again contained in your answer. Then the wordplay leads to an extra letter kicks in..
Like last week I am really stuck with this. I usually persevere with the numbers ones, but no luck this time. I have a full grid and all the letters for the surname and initials (I think) and also all the ‘extra letter’ letters except for 22 across, but I cannot make anything sensible about either sets to help me to the end of the puzzle. Any oblique hints would be appreciated!
Thanks bobbycollins, specsaver and murky, after an afternoon gardening the brain cells got going. I wasn’t helped by one wrong letter in the surname, but I have now finished - easy when you get it!
Murky, thank you so much for posting ''. I wasn't aware of it and, although I didn't need it in this instance, I'll squirrel it away for future use.