I found this a bit annoying rather than satisfying - especially NW corner. I also took ages to parse 5 and had an R as the first letter for 3 (which I agree works better SMOT). This held me up with 1a. I have to also admit my ignorance of 1d but my hubby knew him so helped out there.
Rather straightforward even for Everyman I thought. FOI was 6a which was perhaps unsurprising as only a few hours before I had been at the after-party for the Canadian Opera's post plague opening night. A slightly furrowed brow at 1d as I think of him as a novelist rather than a dramatist. But strait is the gate as they say. COD would be 20a. Definitely expecting something more edible.
it took me a while to see it because "had" fits so seamlessly on to the second definition that it's easy to overlook it, which I did - several times:-)
I too would like to know how 2 dn works.
And 19 dn.
Also 17 ac. What does Queen have to do with the second word?
And what is "a little sound" adding to 9 ac?