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20th February 2022, 12:41
Thanks DrJax and jono. I'm not convinced either!

If people know anything about The Winter's Tale, it will probably be these two things - there's a character called Autolycus who's a "picker-up of unconsidered trifles" (I think I've got that right), and there's a stage direction "exit, pursued by a bear"!
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20th February 2022, 15:44
I have to admit I ignored the "soldiers" part of 1A since there's also an obvious anagram ;)
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20th February 2022, 15:46
So maybe "players and soldiers" would have made a better clue...
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20th February 2022, 15:50
Hi all. Hope nobody's been blown away.
To me, this seemed harder than of late. Totally stainless on 7d, 13d, 14a, 19a & 25a.
Any hints welcome.
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20th February 2022, 15:53
Ha! Just got 13 & 19
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20th February 2022, 15:55
7D parses as 1,4,4,2,2
14A: think of all the characters in the title
19A: anagram of two parts of clue, one being an abbreviation
25A: 5 letter contracted word for killing containing a 2 letter abbreviation, then flipped backwards.
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20th February 2022, 15:56
Hi Barry,

7d - S(mall) + 4 letter "cake" + 4 letter "water" + R(aw) R(issoles) + 2 letter "the" (in French) reversed/'rising'
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20th February 2022, 16:01
Thanks, B & PS.
As it goes, I got all those just before you reach posted.

Which just leaves 24d??
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20th February 2022, 16:04
Insignificant, like a trifle?
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20th February 2022, 16:06
24d - Double definition - M??? child's play
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