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30th January 2022, 07:27
Not quite on par with the more recent Everyman’s I thought, some clueing a little long winded, 1 and 12 for example. Others were much cleaner, I liked 18d in particular. Always like to see Everyman’s alliterations. None of my predictions for 6,7 combinations in 1a have yet to come to pass, but I live in hope.

And I agree the definition of 16 doesn’t quite work grammatically and is deserving of a ’?’. Perhaps a little ‘grid crunch’ here as there’s no other word that seems to fit. Of course it didn’t help that I read professorial as ‘professional’ for the longest time!

Didn’t even notice the typo in 5d!
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30th January 2022, 08:47
RichardK - strangely I read “solider” as “soldier” and didn’t notice until you pointed it out.
And I am also unsure about 16, (also reading “professional” for a while) but it just about works.
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30th January 2022, 09:13
14a the 3rd letter is ambiguous - either word could be used (though more usually it would start with M)
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30th January 2022, 09:15
I was reading about 6d, and although it’s used today in a pejorative sense, originally it was meant as a positive reflection on democracy. There’s also a view amongst some that it’s incorrect to use ‘the’ in front of this term given that the first three letters already indicate ‘the’.
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30th January 2022, 09:28
I’m inclined to agree with chrise about 14ac; but I think only one of the options is to be found in Collins, for example, as far as I can see.
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30th January 2022, 09:31
Good day to all. I found this week's very tricky for ages. Then suddenly it seems quite a few dropped in place with help from 'missing letters'. However I think a mixed bag. Some clues are a bit of a stretch to work out. I have letters in all the squares but they may not be correct! Still not happy with 15a and 15d. For 15d I have ??A?R?G - I am sure my crossers are correct. Help please.
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30th January 2022, 09:34
Hi Yevrah, your G is wrong, 25a is alliterative
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30th January 2022, 09:34
25a is past tense. i'm not convinced by it, though!
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30th January 2022, 10:35
Thanks ChrisE and jono. Got it now and agree that the first word of 25a is not quite there. And now got 15a so all hunky dory. Better give my COD. FOI was so long ago I cannot remember. LOI was 15a as is obvious from above if anyone is reading this. My COD is 10a. Do we need a WOD? Worst of the day? Mine would be 16a.
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30th January 2022, 10:51
I also found this trickier than usual, but very enjoyable nonetheless.

I agree with Yevrah about 16a - definitely WOD! Now that I 'get' 6d (thanks to the forum) I would put that as my COD for it's wittiness.
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