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30th January 2022, 00:36
Thanks to Everyman for a well-crafted puzzle.
I found the level of difficulty mid-range, fewer write-ins than usual but not many head-scratchers either.
There's a long anagram in the downs, which might help to get started.
I saw no rhyming pair, but heavy alliteration in the long clues, which Everyman sometimes employs instead. Most other Everyman regular features: first letters, homophones, foreign phrase.
FOI 7, LOI 5, though 1a (next-to-LOI) was the clue that mainly held me up.
Co-COD 11 and 18, runners-up 16, 1d, 10 and 1a.
One solution may not be familiar to non-UK solvers (incl. me), but the wordplay was sufficiently clear for parsing.
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30th January 2022, 01:34
Nice puzzle tonight.
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30th January 2022, 02:00
Hi Geeker, hi Mamya,

Thoroughly enjoyable with, as you say, a good mix of easyish clues and some very difficult ones.

Favourites were the witty 1d and 7d, along with the image-evoking 21a and 24a.

The only clue I have a slight problem with is 16a, where the wordplay leads to a superlative but the definition isn't and it could also, perhaps, have benefitted from a ? at the end. Mind you, I've made some real parsing howlers this week so it's just as likely I've misunderstood it!

15d was also very neat with it's "repeatedly" and 25a is also very good:-)

Thanks to Everyman.
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30th January 2022, 02:07
Actually, 11a and 18d also deserve special mention in COD discussions today.
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30th January 2022, 02:35
I enjoyed 16 (took me some time to figure it out) but agree that the clue seems a little off. Still, when I look at the answer, several cleaner but easier alternative clues suggest themselves, so I'll give Everyman the benefit of the doubt on this one. 😀
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30th January 2022, 02:44
None of the clues really stood out to me. I have 6d but don’t see the wordplay.
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30th January 2022, 03:00
Not Clapham
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30th January 2022, 03:00
I have a candidate wordplay for 6, but come to think of it, the clue doesn't really seem cryptic.
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30th January 2022, 03:05
6d: Chambers defines Corinthian as dissolute and omnibus as a collection. So it fits the answer, I guess.
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30th January 2022, 07:13
I’ve had such a busy fortnight I must be out of practice as I found this quite heavy going.

There’s a typo in 5d, should be soldier not solider.
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