Thanks to all who found so many devious ways to deconstruct this week's word.
Chrise kicked off with a 'hidden' clue (no mean feat with this word), later followed by 'reverse hiddens' from peterm 10 and patrich 17.
I liked the 'flamenco' clues from jono 7, FJ 36 & aristo 37. Some clever acrostics from geeker 13, FJ 23, patrich 24, and his (looks like an acrostic but isn't?) 21.
There were nice anagrams/part anagrams/subtractive anagrams from paul 4, dorrien 11, jono 16, geeker 14/15.
I appreciated the ingenuity of tyke's French setter, geeker's hockey teams, jono's drumbeat and interval clues, FJ's squeeze and 'ghost' madwoman, BBM2's moths in his Armani suit.
My final list included; aristo 6, peterm 10, geeker 15, jono 16, FJ 20, patrich 21, mprs 26, BBM2 34.
A difficult choice, but I think jono has captured the mood of flame emails with his clever
Fellow receives crude email, deleting one only to find another
Well done, Jono! Your prizes are...
...some science
...but don't try this at home