I think it Elgin’s with T and is an anagram of two words in the clue.
Can you give me any hints for 40, 71, 91, please. And my answer to 1 begins with T and has nothing to do with banners!!! Oh dear.
Thank you Douglas, never heard of that instrument!
97. A word for a young Male followed by a bed for a very young child and then the usual abbreviation for time.
And clues for 71 and 91 still needed
71. The complaint is something that can affect the big toe surrounding a short fish (i.e. the word is short) and the whole thing means a restless person.
Lady Bee, so sorry for giving hints for the wrong clue. Put it down to old age! And thank you for the clue to 71, will now work on it.
Douglas, 97, what’s the job of someone who goes on digs looking for old remains.