I'm disappointed that Staghound isn't right, but I've got the answer now to 19A and see the anagram.
I've got an answer for 21d but can't parse first two letters.
I've done what you suggest about 5ac. I think it is unfair to give coop a capital letter - very misleading!
I looked up a word that fits for 5ac and then googled it. I'm very surprised to find it is a synonym for pilfer.
I've got 7d, though don't like the clue.
I looked up Scots for vomit, applied the word play, and have now looked up my answer to see that it is a beer, made in the Netherlands.
Just three left:
25d I've got T?B?R, but this depends on my answer to 24ac being right.
3d I've got N?M??
and 12ac I've got ?R???N
Can I have a hint for the latter?
Thanks goodness for the reduced temperature today. Down from 30C to 20C and heavenly rain for the garden.
Brendan I did spot the vegetable links