I came really close to throwing in the towel on this, with all the unjumbled entries in, a few of the jumbles (unjumbled, of course, and no idea how to jumble) or the steps, and very little understanding of the preamble. One "step" suddenly resolved itself, and light dawned. Blessed Google disclosed the other steps which then fairly quickly took their places.
I found a couple of the clues - 23 and 29 - to be impenetrable until I had their scrambled letters and could work back.
I take Merenz's point about the A=1 stuff, but again that only worked with me once I knew what I was after: I think Gnomish is a bit misleading with the start.
I take mild issue with the definition for the step on the bottom row: somewhat derogatory, even if it is in Chambers.
Tough, with a dense preamble that takes a while to draw sense from. But hey, I got there!