Thanks for all your entries: 30 from 15 setters.
It was certainly a field day for subtractive anagrams. I liked buddy's melting ice @4, while faiton's @43 was quite a tour de force, notable because it foreshadowed the tenuous connection in the main prize.
I also liked heathcliff67 @5 with its golden French connection and peterm's @12. I was amused by mattrom's misfire at 11 when Larboard really wanted to be Larwood (cricket, you New World guys).
However, I think the winner has to be mattrom @9 with the classy:
What will return the stick and run to intercept a ball endlessly (8)
Congratulations, mattrom. Your main prize is this (spot the connection)
but as it's probably been used before I will add something more in line with your expectations. I never knew labradors have webbed feet.