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28th December 2020, 01:37
The penny drops! But I seem to have an I for C in the second name, and everything falls apart from then on.
31 of 79  -   Report This Post


28th December 2020, 08:15
I managed to complete this, but can anyone help me out? In the second name I have GE where I would expect C. After this everything gets back on track, but I can't see where I've gone wrong?
32 of 79  -   Report This Post


28th December 2020, 08:25
I have the C in the second name immediately following the second clash, of an A/I. You use the I in the name but take the A as the distance marker for the next letter, the C.
33 of 79  -   Report This Post


28th December 2020, 09:12
Chris, if you're correct up to there, the fifth letter of the name is R, then moving on 18 from there gives an A/I clash, which you deal with as per Muraria's post, and the next letter (one cell on) is your C. It might be worth double-checking your entry for 11* (Jerky steps...).

Not quite sure how you manage to get back on track after a wrong letter, unless it's a fluke!
34 of 79  -   Report This Post


28th December 2020, 09:32
I've ground to a complete halt with this after cold-solving 2/3 of the clues. In order to get going again I would appreciate help with:
9. 'Gas by-product of wheat after carbon reduction'. It looks like a by-product - c = a gas but all I can think of is chaff.
6/10. 'Protection for member of unaccomplished metal band'. Some sort of arm or leg armour?
10. 'String instrument Black Sabbath breaks - it's easy to imagine'. An instrument with bs or bar/ban+s in?
Hints or a shove in the right direction much appreciated. If that doesn't do the trick I think I'll admit defeat and try the Azed!
35 of 79  -   Report This Post


28th December 2020, 09:40
Granama1, 9 is an isotope of hydrogen (atomic mass 3). The wordplay is to remove C from a genus of wheat.

6/10 Wordplay is a metal (alloy of copper and zinc) with the last letter removed "unaccomplished" + SET for band

10 3-letter word for a Scottish viol + 5-letter for black (used in heraldry) with S(abbath) inserted
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28th December 2020, 09:56
Thanks Loge. That should get me going again!
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28th December 2020, 10:06
Thanks Loge, got it

I turned left at the A/I clash instead of following the path, and somehow jumped from name 2 to name 5, I've found 3&4 now
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28th December 2020, 10:15
Glad to hear it, Chris. It's so easy to go wrong with this puzzle, isn't it?
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28th December 2020, 10:48
That’s exactly what I did chrism. Turn left by mistake. I got there in the end!
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