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1st November 2020, 17:39
Likes; Chris 2. Fiery 19, Paul 20 and 21, Faiton 22, and Spike 21 (very funny)

Vote MPR 34.
61 of 75  -   Report This Post


1st November 2020, 17:40
Sorry Spike I meant your 27.
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1st November 2020, 20:03
Thanks to everyone for such a great crop of entries. This is the tally;

1 vote for dorrien 12, tyke 23, mprs 34, buddy 35.
2 votes for spike 27, who is also the runner-up with 3 votes for his 24.
This week's winner, with 4 votes, is paulh for his bacchanalian subtractive anagram #20,

Striptease set off wild celebrations

Well done, paulh! Your prize is about Halloween. We can blame the Celts....

63 of 75  -   Report This Post


1st November 2020, 20:10
Buddy, I hope your daughter enjoys her stay. With the wintry weather we've been having, they won't be missing much in quarantine.
If they make it to Centennial Park or Bondi Beach, tell them to keep an eye out for "that mad woman with the scruffy dog".
64 of 75  -   Report This Post


1st November 2020, 20:15
Congrats PaulH and thanks for hosting Mattrom.
Thanks Aristo for the ‘special mention’ and Buddy for being ‘tempted’ by 11 which isn’t actually a clue! You might have meant 41 but I’ll take it either way ;-)
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1st November 2020, 20:16
Congrats paulH and thanks mattrom.

Thanks for the mention, paul.
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1st November 2020, 20:31
Congratulations, PaulH, great clue. Thanks for hosting, Mattrom.

Many thanks to Jimmygtal, PaulH, Tyke51,Faiton and Chrise for the much appreciated votes. Also, to Aristo, Jono, Fj, Mprs and Paul for the mentions, also much appreciated.
67 of 75  -   Report This Post


1st November 2020, 20:42
Congrats PaulH & thanks for hosting mattrom. Thanks for the vote aristo.

jono, I almost made 11 work but couldn't work "apogee" into the wordplay :)
68 of 75  -   Report This Post


1st November 2020, 21:14
Congrats on the victory PaulH. Very clever clue.

Also, thank you for being so gracious about the other clue. There was a notorious case over here where a student from a privileged family raped a girl who had passed out drunk at a party. His father said something along the lines of he shouldn't go to jail for a "few minutes of action." For us language aficionados, sometimes we may get caught up in the cleverness of the wordplay, and not see the forest for the trees. I feel that I may have done that a few times. There was another thread on this forum a few weeks ago taking issue with a clue in the Times, that defined anorexia as something along the lines of very hungry, so it can even happen with the professionals
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1st November 2020, 21:50
Thanks for hosting, mattrom, and for the instructive prize clip, which taught me much I didn't know. I notice that the Hallowe'en apostrophe issue (discussed in the Pedant thread) wasn't raised. I admit to being a great supporter of the apostrophe, which so often adds essential clarity.

Thanks for the likes, Tyke and Chrise, and for the votes from Jono, fieryjack, dorrien and particularly the generous one from Spike, who deserves commiserations for getting more votes than me, but split between clues.

Finally thank you to mathprof for remarks @69. Curiously it was me who noticed the 'anorexia' clue in the Times and initiated the discussion.
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