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1st November 2020, 12:24
Vote Spike 2@24

Many good ones, Paulh@20 second.
51 of 75  -   Report This Post


1st November 2020, 12:41
Tempted by jono@11, but ultimately vote goes to

dorrien @12

aristo: I have not read the book but based on the WIki summary I would probably not disagree with too much of it!
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1st November 2020, 12:44
Spike #24 please
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1st November 2020, 13:21
i liked paul @8 and paulh @29

vote spike2 @27
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1st November 2020, 13:42
Liked Paul #7/8, Buddy #10, Dorrien #12, Fieryjack #25

Vote: PaulH #20
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1st November 2020, 15:12
mattrom, off topic, but my oldest daughter just arrived in Sydney with her boyfriend (who is from Sydney but was working in the US) for an extended stay (till mid-January). They appear to have lucked out in the quarantine lottery as they are on the 39th floor of a pretty swank hotel. And, her boyfriend's family is nearby to drop off provisions if needed.

I told her when she gets out in 2 weeks to look for a woman walking dogs and it will probably be you. Do you think that description is adequate?
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1st November 2020, 15:37
I liked spike's risqué 27, but couldn't quite be convinced that gingerly worked as an anagram indicator. Tyke @23 gets my vote.
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1st November 2020, 15:39
Also, I may be crossing a line here, but I found PaulH @29 to be offensive. I hope I am allowed to express that opinion.
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1st November 2020, 17:15
PaulH #20
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1st November 2020, 17:16
I take your point, mathsprof, and apologise to you and anyone else who is offended.

I suppose there have been criminal cases where someone goes too far and does not understand the consequences of his actions, ('we were just having a bit of fun'), but I don't offer this as a convincing defence and am mortified if I have soured a friendly competition where, paradoxically, the injunction is usually to 'have fun'.
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