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25th October 2020, 18:36
(or made it to Australia I remembering correctly that's where you are, mattrom?)
61 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 18:45
Congratulations, Mattrom, neat clue. Thanks for hosting, Buddy.
62 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 18:53
Nice one Mattrom - thanks Buddy
63 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 18:56
Well done, mattrom! I thought that I had a very good clue and then yours came along right after and I knew it was game over.6

Thanks for the challenge, Buddy the elf.
64 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 18:57
Congrats Mattrom, you’ve been on good form today. Cheers Buddy nicely done.
Thanks to Mattrom, Paul, Tyke for likes, and to Faiton and Dorrien for votes.
65 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 19:05
Thanks for the likes, dorrien and fieryjack, and for the votes, mattrom and Chrise.

Good comp, buddy; thanks for hosting.

Congratulations on a neat clue, mattrom. I have recently changed to Gala apples from Golden Delicious. The latter were usually large, yellow and sweet from the local market, but now that I am getting groceries mainly from supermarkets I find that the so-called Golden Delicious are usually small, green and as sour as those dreadful Granny Smiths.
66 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 19:17
Another nice one, mattrom. Thanks for hosting, buddy, and for the mentions, spike, jono, and chrise (I think).

Alan Rickman was having a bad hair day, wasn't he?

McIntosh- hands down, the best. They taste like October.
67 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 19:35
Many thanks to Aristo, Jono, Paulh, Paul and Mprs for your votes, and to Spike, Tyke, Jimmy, Dorrien and FJ for the mentions.
Good job in the chair, Buddy. I liked both my prizes - the artsy one and the fun one. I don't recall seeing Galaxy Quest before. Yes, I'm in Sydney, near Bondi. Cold and wet here this morning, though we "sprang forward" 3 weeks ago. Rom likes it as he gets his walks an hour earlier, dog time.
Apparantly (Royal) Galas were developed by our Kiwi cousins and named in honour of our current queen.
Aristo, I haven't seen Macs for sale here, though the plants are available.
Cheers till next week.
68 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 19:51
Congrats mattrom and thanks buddy. I love Galaxy Quest - it achieves both being a great spoof and a great film at the same time.

Why "I think", aristo - I liked it!
69 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 19:55
My apologies. I should have thanked spike and fj for the votes. Much appreciated. In my defense it wasn’t poor manners but as I was posting I got a call from a relative needing to go to the hospital .
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