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25th October 2020, 14:05
I liked aristo @7 and dorrien @23

Vote paulH @29
51 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 15:03
Likes; for Jon 6, MPR 14, Dorrien 23, Faiton 36 for the Classics lesson,

My pick -ax for the week is Mattrom 16
52 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 15:25
Buddy @42, while I may be living in Oklahoma, I am definitely no Sooner in any manner. And I just now rolled out of bed.

It warmed my heart to see all the math (or maths for the Brits) references in the entries. When I saw mattrom @16 I knew it was the one to beat. There were some that gave it a run for its money, but that's still my choice.

53 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 15:38
mathprof, I will cancel my plan to nickname you "Boomer."

With 3 votes to come we have a clear leader, but if someone runs the table we can still send it to overtime. The drama!

Jono, over here there is a saying "spring forward, fall back" to remind which way to turn the clocks - not sure if that is common in the UK or not.
54 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 16:29
Likes for Jono #6, Mattrom#16, PaulH #24

Vote for the succinct Jono#6
55 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 16:44
Buddy - yes I’ve heard that expression , I wouldn’t say it’s common here but it’s known. However, “runs the table” you’ll need to explain!
56 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 16:50
From pool, pocketing all the remaining balls on the table, so in general winning all the remaining contests (or in this case votes).
57 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 17:56
Liked Paul 21,Paulh 29,Mattrom 34
Voting for
Mpr @ 14
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25th October 2020, 18:06
I prefer it when DS is the other way around.
Liked faiton 4, jono 6, mprs 14, paul 17, dorrien 23, Fj 25

Voting for paulh #29
59 of 76  -   Report This Post


25th October 2020, 18:22
With such a "splendid assemblage" of clues it's no wonder so many received votes & likes. I confess that when I chose the word I had no idea that Galaxy was a chocolate bar, which opened up some possibilities for wordplay I had not considered. The people have spoken:

With one vote each we have dorrien 23, faiton 27, and mattrom 34.

Sharing the silver with 2 votes each are jono 6, mathprof 14 and paulh 29.

Gold medal to mattrom 16 with 4 votes for the succinct description of Apple's "core" business strategy:

Apple axes smartphone?

(and then releases a higher-priced version of same.....)

Well done mattrom. My initial parsing of your clue led me to "Golden Deliciousxy" but I saw the light pretty quickly. Take your choice of prizes, depending on your mood:

Highbrow prize:

Lowbrow prize:

I don't know if this film ever made it to the UK, but it manages to both pay homage to, and ruthlessly parody, Star Trek.
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