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29th August 2010, 09:58
Too much research required into the works and associations of AP - more a homework assignment than a leisure activity. Enjoyable nonetheless. May even go and see a play now!
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david w

29th August 2010, 13:53
I'm afraid my Google skills are not enough to find the name (I assume) at 21d. Help please!
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29th August 2010, 13:59
21d is Joe Maddison

I'm stuck on:
5d ?T?E? - think it could be UTTER (as in utter/complete nonsense) but don't know why from clue.

6D ?W?T - can only be one of a few things but I don't get the clue 'Tease a donkey'.

45d E?T ?O? - presumably EAT ?O? - is it EAT DOG from DOG EAT DOG?

Any hints appreciated - thanks!!
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david w

29th August 2010, 15:12
JS - Thanks for Joe Maddison. I'll get googling again to see what that's about.

5d Yes: UTTER. From an obscure Plater work called [The N]utter.

6d Twit is a fool but is also (rather dated!) slang for "tease".

45d That's what I've got too but it's not very good. Certainly not the Araucaria I remember from the days when he alternated on Saturdays with Custos.
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29th August 2010, 15:13
To JS re 5 down. (The N)utter is another AP work. Then is removed.
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29th August 2010, 17:33
34d I make nugae what is it?
39a iride a e why?
41a -c-l-g-r the clue is a complete mystery to me
apart from that i've finished
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29th August 2010, 18:33
Hi Tyrell...if its any consolation, I`m stuck at 41 Ac too. The only word I can find which fits all the operatives (checked letters) is SCHLAGER. Apparently, this is a German duelling sword or a form of schmaltz music. No Veronese painting with this in the title. No celebrated Veronese family.

Its a near anagram of "case girl" but cannot find a legitimate anagram of both words. Sorry!

Let me know if dawn breaks!
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29th August 2010, 18:37
It is an exact anagram of casegirl. Then try googling the possibilities - Wikipedia will give you the answer.
To the other queries about why iridiae - it is the iris family, ie, flags. And nugae is in Chambers, a real must for these crosswords.
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29th August 2010, 18:38
34D The even letters of UNDUE GRACE spell nugae a trifle
41A Scaliger (Anag) Joseph of that name
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29th August 2010, 18:49
Clevertask & Oak...very many thanks, it was driving me nuts! A great puzzle though: Araucaria really is the top banana!
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