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7th September 2020, 05:17
No, it isn't limited, and I have high-speed fiber-optic connection. I've had this problem on both my laptop and phone at different houses. Perhaps it has something to do with being in the US.
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7th September 2020, 06:37
Possibly, hard to say what else it could be. I will be in New Orleans on Wednesday. If I remember I will try to post something and let you know.
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7th September 2020, 08:12
Congrats Aristo and commiserations Buddy. Thanks PaulH and a big thanks to Rosalind for the vote. Glad I raised a (:o)
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7th September 2020, 09:56
Congratulations Aristo
Cheers Paulh for hosting and thanks to Tyke for the vote and Mattrom, Dorrien and Spike for the mentions, much appreciated
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7th September 2020, 14:09
You would not think that Canada and US would be any different re Captcha.

If you had bought that cottage in Michigan we could have waved to one another!
You would also be experiencing a gale right now.
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