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3rd September 2020, 19:04
Clueless is traditionally set at about noon on a Tuesday. Most people copy and paste the preamble, remembering to add 1 to the number of the competition and change the dates and the word!
You judge all the entries after the closing time you've selected, which I think for clueless is generally 6 pm on Wednesday (heck this) All GMT.
When you give your choice, it is up to you whether or not you give reasons and/or present some encouragement (as aristo did this week)
Traditionally you should also award a prize. This is usually a YouTube video but anything which can be accessed digitally is good. Some people connect the two things , the word and the prize, but this is up to you
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3rd September 2020, 19:12
Brill, Thanks Rosalind. I'll follow your advice.
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3rd September 2020, 22:45
Hi Jimmy,
If you do a search for "Clueless", you'll see 2 lists of previously set words for Clueless and Peer Review, so as to avoid repetition.
The setter can adjust the posting/closing times to suit his or her own commitments and time zone.
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4th September 2020, 02:21
@Fiery - well I liked it!
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