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1st August 2020, 16:30
The semi-precious stone is particularly associated with Whitby; the second part is Brendan and his colleagues.
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1st August 2020, 16:39
Doohh! Many thanks chrise - and the number of times I've visited Whitby!
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1st August 2020, 17:48
More simply, though, isn't 10 23 just a straight translation of the author's name, with the even letters of the first name to start?
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1st August 2020, 17:51
Yes. I didn't know that, but Google translate confirmed it.
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1st August 2020, 20:19
Hi everyone

I thought this crossword was easy at first, but slowed down considerably and didn't spot the theme until looking at the Forum.I still have four to get; 21ac, 19d, 26ac and 27d

Can I have a hint for 19d I have S???O?T?
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1st August 2020, 20:31
Hi roof
Your letter are correct. "Keeps" is the (somewhat loose) definintion.
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1st August 2020, 20:32
Not a terribly good clue - definition is "keeps" in the sense of stands by/ backs up.
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1st August 2020, 20:56
Thanks you Chrise and freddycat

That did seem to be the only possible answer, but I don't like it.

I got 26ac over my dinner. I can see two similar answers to 27d, but this was not a word I know, so which is English and which American?

All of which just leaves me with 21 ac. I have D?I?S ?P. I can only see one answer, but I can't see why.

I had never heard of the answer to 10,23 and 2d doesn't look very cryptic. I should have googled things.
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1st August 2020, 21:14
Hi Roof,

21a definition is what happens in the theatre when you're stage struck - 4 letter word for a m "medical device" around 3 letter word for "operation" reversed.
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1st August 2020, 21:20
27 goes OTT to ditect you to the spelling it wants!
21 is what an actor doesn't want to do. The "medical device" is a bit loose for a way of delivery medication etc., with a loose "operation" backwards inside - a very poor clue.
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