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15th July 2020, 21:13
Anyone interested in discusing Nimrod's current offering?
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15th July 2020, 23:03
Yes, I would be, greengage (but quite some time has passed since I did it, so I'm not sure I can remember much about how I felt about it at the time).
I always enjoyed the CAM puzzles set by Schadenfreude, and I can only remember one very small error in any of his. My problem with Nimrod's effort is that there appears to be an error in the alphabetical ordering of the clues, and that's always annoying when it's carte blanche (but I could be wrong, of course). Apart from that, it looks like a neat enough theme - but a typically crossword one (many of Schadenfreude's efforts had some kind of connection to the University).
What did you make of it?
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15th July 2020, 23:25
...sorry, greengage - I see you're referring to CAM 90, I haven't seen that one yet.
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16th July 2020, 06:49
Thanks drxx, no rush!
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16th July 2020, 07:26
Hi Greengage. I'm having problems. My grid is full (though my row 3 is gobbledegook and I don't get the wordplay in the seven-letter part of column 14) but my mind is empty. I've no idea how to interpret the title, and I'm not seeing anything in the silver cells.
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16th July 2020, 10:25
I have the sub-title from the silver cells, and the two obvious protagonists, but I have no idea how to interpret the title to deal with them, Any hints welcome.
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16th July 2020, 11:27
i've got the gist of this now (it was a long night!) and can certainly help with the 'silver' section - but I'm still trying to tie up some odd bits.
Are we OK to give hints or is this just a discussion (as you started the thread I think that's up to you, greengage).
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16th July 2020, 11:36
...I don't think it can hurt to give a hint for the wordplay at 14 -
'last of...' gives the obvious starting letter, and the (alcoholic) 'brew' is 3 letters - 'what goes through' these elements is a Greek letter (3). Def 'personal opening'.
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16th July 2020, 12:30
Thanks, drxx -- I had the right opening, but had stupidly skipped "the" when reading the clue!
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16th July 2020, 14:50
Well, we've left it a few hours - now I think we should just get on with the discussion (and I'm sure a few hints won't hurt).

randk - I'm where you are, but I haven't made any progress since this morning so, if you've got any further with it, I'd welcome a hint.

throk - would you still like a nudge regarding the silver squares and the two protagonists?
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