One of Everyman's easier offerings, although as others have noted, the parsing for 16a and 15d are a little contrived and 15a rather weak. I enjoyed 20a
I wrote to Private Eye after an offering by Cyclops included the answers “streetwise” “semi-rigid” “snorts” “thighs” and “thrush”. I said how alarming it can be when he brings so much of his private life to the game.
I received a reply from Eddie (Cyclops) himself! He said “I wish!” then he changed his mind and decided he was probably far too old for such shenanigans.
In 50 years of crosswording I can't recall any clue as useless as 16a. Judging by other posters here there seems to be no satisfactory explaination to it! It would have been of more help to leave it clueless as a pure guess.
A little help please. I have an answer to 24a but can't justify it. Is the answer the last word in a three-word title, which refers to a woman notoriously 'armless?