What the .....!!? My head is still spinning 🤪
This offering by Enigmatist is one of the most difficult, impenetrable crosswords I've ever done.
Although I've finished it, there are still several clues I've yet to fully parse, but I'll carry on looking and hopefully the penny (or pennies!) will drop
I know I'm notoriously bad at gauging difficulty, and of course it's possible I was just not on the Enigmatist's wavelength, but I foresee many furrowed brows among our merry band of Saturday Prize solvers.
My COD was going to be a toss-up between 16a and 21a - mainly because they're among the few clues who's parsing I'm sure of, but in the end I've opted for 1,15d.
Please feel free to leave a comment - I'm eager to see if it was an uphill struggle for everyone or just me!
Thanks to Enigmatist.
Take care:-)