Thanks all for your entries. Roughly 14 competitors and 31 clues.
Bearing in mind that this is all subjective and a thread for fun – a shortlist:-
Music to win a lady? (5)
Interestingly my Chambers and on-line Thesaurus does not include music as a synonym for score. I think it's fine.
Succeed in pulling model escort with time to spare (5)
Perfectly good subtractive with good surface
Caught in yearning, taken aback...what passion drives men to do (5)
Solved this one before the explanation though I have not seen eros uncapitalized.
Tick off husband, leaving chores undone (5)
A smile for sure.
Orchestrate disc or extra insertion (5)
I think I prefer this to the second version. I like orchestrate.
Mark 3:1 ?
Nice misdirection.
Small company about to succeed (5)
Good effort. Definition a little iffy though.
Grudge my being in the Home Counties? (5)
I like grudge and the word play is fair
Sometimes cryptic orthodoxy reveals emotions up front producing quarrel (5)
Gets a special mention for the topicality.
I think I am going to give this one to Marty for the succinct
Mark 3:1?(5)
Well done.
Your prize is 3 minutes long and is about Monarchs that our British friends may not know. But I think Australia has some??