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14th May 2020, 02:09
^ I suppose that should really be one first half appearing twice.

When you're making pedantic replies to your own posts you know it's time to go to bed. :-)
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14th May 2020, 10:00
deslyxic - I believe that Azed has worked on the premise that a particular entry 'belongs' to the word of which it contains the first half - so the unmodified answer to 18ac is GHEE, with the second half then being replaced by the second half of REDO. The instructions and recommended solving method are based on that concept. However, there is a symmetry to the entire puzzle which means that one could equally view the 'site owner' as the word whose second half appears there, so 18ac starts off as REDO, with the initial pair of letters being replaced by the first half of GHEE. What that means is that having solved 18ac the solver has opened up two chains rather than one - they can look (as Azed suggests) for another definition of GHEE, but in addition they can seek out the other definition of REDO.

And yes, I am very glad that I no longer submit clues for the competition! The key, I suspect, will be the selection of at least one definition which is somewhat oblique.
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14th May 2020, 14:32
I can’t quite finish this, can I have a steer towards the entry at 33a? I have it ending AHE, which is half of flightless bird, but don’t get anything from ‘a jackdaw seized by female falcons’.
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14th May 2020, 14:38
The 'falcons' are the definition; the wordplay is (A plus a two-letter Scottish word for a jackdaw) in a three-letter word meaning '[a] female'. Hope that helps!
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14th May 2020, 15:12
Thanks Spoffy. All done.
Pretty obscure, those falcons. And the jackdaw!
And the word for stroll at 9a and 2d. Never seen that. Ruled it out, thinking I won’t even look that up, it can’t be a word.
Should have known it would be tough!
Started Azed in 1985. Wondering how many of 2500 I have done!
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14th May 2020, 18:51
I'm jonesing for a puzzle so have decided to try my very first Azed - the instructions look pretty daunting so I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew:-)
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14th May 2020, 19:42
Brendan, they don’t pair up, as I first assumed. Ideally you need to solve all the twelves, all the tens etc to get started. I found the tens easiest. Leave the fours till last. That’s my tip.
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14th May 2020, 19:43
Thanks Lumen, much appreciated:-)
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14th May 2020, 23:56
Spoffy @ 42, thanks.

I agree about clues probably needing an ingenious definition to get a mention. Tough to come up with a decent alternative for the window-related one though. I also couldn't spot much in the way of decent short words/reversals within the clue word either.
I've sent a clue in anyway. It's a good occasion to show Azed you've had a go at least!
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18th May 2020, 16:29
If anyone's interested, here is a short piece by Jonathon Crowther aka Azed - he talks about how he got in to setting and also about his predecessors - seems a really nice guy.....
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