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5th April 2020, 22:26
I really enjoyed this one, but then Azed has long been my favourite crossword.
As a Sydneysider, even I wasn't familiar with the slang word in 25 down, and was scratching my head over the "feature" in 6a.
Sydney harbour feature, note, in papier-mache (12)
I have the answer, and wonder if it refers to this

although that seems very obscure. Is there a different reference?

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5th April 2020, 22:42
Yes - and, thankfully, 'a far far better' one.
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5th April 2020, 22:45
ie Sydney CARTON (Tale of Two Cities) + PIER (‘harbour feature’) + RE (‘note’)
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5th April 2020, 23:13
Ah, of course! Blinded by geography. Thank you JackNatter.
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8th April 2020, 00:41
Can anyone enlighten me as to how 24 Across parses?. With all the checked letters I have, I'm confident that the second letter is the "posh" vowel, as this makes the only word which I can think of to give a synonym of the definition, which, I think is the first word of the clue. As to the wordplay, I'm completely stumped.
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8th April 2020, 01:38
Turast, I don't think I could explain it without giving the answer, so I have CUTE, clever. If you cut the E, you get 'cut', a synonym for 'dash'.
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8th April 2020, 06:44
Thank you mattrom. As you'd probably guessed, I had "cute", but didn't understand the wordplay, and now that I do, I'm still not keen.
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9th April 2020, 20:38
Can anyone help with 31 across?
Is it simply an adjective used by Milton ending with ‘n’?
I can’t help feeling there is more to it?

Thanks to anyone who can assist
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9th April 2020, 20:44
Hi williamseal, consider the title(s) of his most well known work(s).
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9th April 2020, 20:59
Thanks ginge
I see now
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