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4th April 2020, 04:54
Many interesting clues here. Paul is asking us to the read one of the punctuation mark again, like in his last week’s puzzle! Can’t exactly parse 19, 20d, though the popular author’s name is easy to figure out. Nice to learn about the original name for Finland in 10a. 27a is also very clever.
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4th April 2020, 08:48
Enjoyable puzzle today!
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4th April 2020, 09:08
19,20 is nice. There's an old expression that ???,??? is better than ???,???, the second sounding like 4d twice.
I can't parse 26, 27 or 15.
I don't like 5a - the clue (or the solution!) is incomplete.
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4th April 2020, 09:16
Hi Chris’s,
15 is an anagram of one word plus some initial letters.
I’m ok with 5a, it reads to the left.
I’m with you in struggling to parse 26 and 27 though.
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4th April 2020, 09:19
Thanks jono. I hadn't spotted that word in the anagram.
5a parses fine, but there's no indication of the abbreviation (it should be 9,9!)
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4th April 2020, 09:22
Ah I see, I’m with you on that!
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4th April 2020, 09:22
You'll kick yourselves with 26, look back again! I'm really struggling with the SW corner.
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4th April 2020, 09:25
Thanks for the hint re 19,20d.

15d: anagram of a word inside plus the three fIrst letters.
26a: final letters of words in the clue going backwards.
27a: see what letter is missing when ‘maid is mad’.
Yes, 5a is an informal name for the dish.
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4th April 2020, 09:32
Mathis nudge broke the SW for me TVM!
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4th April 2020, 09:34
Thanks both. I saw 27 when I came back with the paper. I wouldn't have got 26 without your explanation, though.
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