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27th March 2020, 09:24
What seems like a long time ago I started doing the Times Jumbo Cryptic on Saturday. I had tremendous difficulty but found this site, where every Saturday there are threads about the same crossword and I asked my own questions.
I found it very helpful to get a notebook for phone numbers, with sections for each letter of the alphabet. Then, whenever I saw something I wouldn't have thought of, I added an entry under both first letters eg "judge" can mean "ref". So Judge = ref goes under J and ref= judge under R. Sailor has "tar" and "AB". "Con" is under "learn" and "study" as well as the suggestion to look for words meaning "criminal". And now "Y" under "gym". I still do this. Believe it or not "gun" can be "BB" in an American puzzle!
Over time the booklet has grown into something quite useful, though I no longer do that crossword (the relationship didn't last!!)
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27th March 2020, 11:08
Thanks malone, had no idea about wicked/candle. Just added it!
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27th March 2020, 12:53
Recently in The Spectator was 'sewer' for one who sews...

It fooled me for hours!
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27th March 2020, 12:56
Hi Rosalind,

That sounds like a great idea. I've recently started doing the WSJ and Harpers (thanks to Syzygy) and so am having to get to know a whole new raft of abbreviations and the like.

Hi Malone,

Like Rosalind I hadn't heard of 'wicked/candle' but am familiar with the others. One of my favourites is 'singer/something that singes/burns'.
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27th March 2020, 13:13
Hi all, one that took a bit of time for the penny to drop with me was again in a puzzle provided by syzygy (can't remember if Harper's or WSJ) - scatter - in reference to Ella Fitzgerald.
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27th March 2020, 15:07
The -er words remind me of a clue I was really impressed with ( from the FB group ) just after the Australian ' ball tampering ' cricket scandal :
Warner again involved in wrongdoing (5)
The answer : SIREN
True, Warner was a topical one-off reference but pretty clever
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27th March 2020, 15:20
Hi malone (and others) to add to your "fads"; axes as the plural of axis for x & y.
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27th March 2020, 15:49
The "scatter" in WSJ 'Vision Quest' was a good one.

We've all seen "number" be used to mean a song, but I also remember seeing at as 'something that numbs' - very devious:-)
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28th March 2020, 10:21
In today's Guardian, 'better' for one who bets!
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28th March 2020, 10:52
Could someone please explain "scatter" to me?
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