I raced through this week. I agree 4d “more energy not right” suggests the opposite of the actual answer I have put in.
In going for the “less socially adept” answer, I’m assuming that the middle word of 9ac (my COD) is the regular word you’d find in that phrase.
I suppose it would be possible to put in another 4 letter synonym for that middle word (more often associated with horses!) and that would switch the “r” in 4d to an “e”.
Sorry for being so cryptic but it’s early here in the UK and I don’t want to spoil the fun.
As for 25ac, I’d never heard of it! I had a perfectly good synonym for a puzzle that parsed perfectly by taking even more from the Muslim Holy book and adding a standard crossword two letter response for another holy book. Only when tackling 14d was my error, and the right word for 25ac (which I had to retrospectively look up) revealed.
Really enjoyed this week.