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15th March 2020, 01:25
Another fun crossword following on from last week's absolute belter.

I'd say it's a tad more difficult than those of recent weeks but I don't think it will cause too many problems - we'll see.

That said, I haven't been able to work out the parsing for....

4d - Less socially adept, demanding more energy, not right (7)

COD - A toss up between 20a and 13d but I'll plump for 13d:-)

Thanks setter for an enjoyable workout.

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15th March 2020, 02:07
Hi Brendan, 4d is a word for 'demanding more', with an R replacing an E
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15th March 2020, 02:08
...which sounds the other way around from the clue?
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15th March 2020, 02:16
Hi Mattrom,

I wonder if I've got it wrong, then. If I put the word I've got in an anagram solver and take out an R and replace it with an E - I gen zero results. My word has a V in it - is that right?
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15th March 2020, 02:20
I have a D where I think you have a V, but I'm not positive about it either.
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15th March 2020, 02:20
Ahh! Got it. Thanks again Mattrom.
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15th March 2020, 02:23
The word I originally put was wrong. The correct answer doesn't show up in 2 of the main word solver progs! It is odd though that it says 'more E(nergy" and "not R(ight) when, as you say, it's the other way round!
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15th March 2020, 02:25
Yes, there is no v in 4d. Today’s puzzle is much easier compared to the last week’s.
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15th March 2020, 02:27
The ‘more’ in 4d goes along with demanding. Then it parses ok, with e becoming r.
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15th March 2020, 02:32
Yes, a good puzzle with some excellent clues--as usual a bit heavy on anagrams. 4d was clear to me from the start, with the e for energy being replaced by the r for right.
Finished at 10.00pm Washington time with a number of breaks after i started. I find breaks help me...when I come back to the puzzle I almost always see something I had missed before.
BTW Brendan--I take it you are not Brendan the setter?
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