Hi Everyone - this is a first [not that I've completed it - but starting the thread] for me! Everyone must be on hols, or their copy hasn't yet been delivered...
Didn't find it too difficult this week - loads of anagrams, which I like!!
BUT - and big BUT at that....
I'm stuck in the top l/h corner
7a quiet exercise after a fashion
-h--- [4th letter could be i]
8a no brave opening to a third symphony
-r-h-a [again 4th letter could be h]
the above depending on whether I've got
2d correct -
divided work caused damage to garment. I've got an answer, but don't know how I've arrived at the first word.....
I'm not very clever at giving alternative clues, but if anyone's stuck [as if!], I'll try and help out on the rest....