I realise we may have moved on from this now, but like many I had completed all but 9a, 17d et al and 20d. No wonder, I can see now. Perhaps I’m angry with myself for not thinking laterally enough, but agree with all the grumbles re the split synonyms and synonyms substituted sometimes by numbers sometimes by other synonyms and homophones not substituted and one number delivered in reverse. But surprised no one has mentioned the fact that, as far as I can tell, the university contest is two words, so surely 9a should be enumerated as (6, 2)? There might be an argument for saying that the split number joins the two words together, but by that logic 17, 14, 8 ought to have been enumerated not as (7, 3, 14) but (24). That would have really flummoxed us...
Had felt the recent vowelless genius to be the hardest I’d come across, but this is close. I suppose if the measure is clues left unanswered, the vowelless one still wins it in my world. But I do love these puzzles. Thanks, Paul. You b*st*rd