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16th February 2020, 16:57
'Prevents' defines the six letter word which is mutilated, the wordplay being a four letter word for 'ungulates' and a single letter abbreviation for square.
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16th February 2020, 17:06
Thanks! Oddly similar to the answer preceding it though. I'd forgotten the letter could be repeated.
Jack, a type of ungulate in singular (or plural) form plus the usual abbr. for square gives you the mutilated version of a word for prevents - it's minus one letter.
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jack aubrey

16th February 2020, 17:20
Thanks both. I had the removed letter as a kind of square. Once I got 16a I realised it couldn’t work and (shamefacedly) noticed that what I had read as “Prevent” was in the present tense. All kinds of an idiot!
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17th February 2020, 11:28
I had no difficulty finding the quotation but I am struggling to answer my last one in, 10, I have SEA_E_S with N as the missing letter...

Have I gone wrong? If not a helping hand would be much appreciated...
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17th February 2020, 11:36
It's an anagram of BASEBASE ('two bases') but with only one B ('only one British'). The defined (unmutilated) entry is (3,5). Hope that helps.
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17th February 2020, 11:41
Thank you Jack - I don't think I would ever have figured that out!

A very good puzzle I thought, how clever it was.
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