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20th January 2020, 13:20
I only have 9 clashes. I have five examples of "what he is". I must be missing something. I don't understand where the F comes from in the wordplay for 14 across. Perhaps I am wrong there. Any enlightenment would be much appreciated.
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20th January 2020, 13:39
Of course I spotted where the F came from as soon as I had posted
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22nd January 2020, 22:17
I’m finding this tough. Can anyone help, please?

22d Small Irish boat’s curved shape principally reforming animals’ cured hides (7)

Extra letter in wordplay.
Thank you.
13 of 15  -   Report This Post


22nd January 2020, 22:22
I've got a small Irish boat. The first three letters are the first three of a four-letter word meaning 'curved shape' (the last one is the dropped one) and the 'principally' leads you to the rest, a usual crossword device...
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23rd January 2020, 10:32
Thank you, malone.
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